On Wednesday, Reddit announced 3 updates related to its video ads, Added 2 new aspect ratio for ad sizes, launched new mobile landing page & offering exceptional URL for cost per view campaign.

Mobile landing pages for video ads

The new mobile page is designed in a way to provide a seamless viewing experience when user tap on in-feed video ads over the mobile platform and redirected to a platform where the ad will display continuously without interrupting other branding and product info from the advertiser.

Check, how its look like:-


Image Source:MarketingLand


The landing page of mobile now available for all video ads in coarse of their purpose. Reddit added that they expect the update to conversion rate, increase engagement, completion rates.

New video ad sizes.

Reddit is now supporting 1:1 square & 4:5 vertical sized video ads along with the earlier ones. (16:9 & 4:3)


Image Source:MarketingLand

Advertisers can now utilize cross-platform video credit as publishers do not have to recreate content, particularly for ads. Reddit Adds on its blog.

Optional referral URLs to optimize CPV campaigns. Reddit also has introduced new optional referral URLs for CPV campaigns, allowing advertisers the ability to include referral URLs within campaigns optimized for views. The company said the referral URLs will allow advertisers to deliver a “cleaner” viewing experience while driving more video views.


Optional referral URLs to optimize CPV campaigns. The third one is the new additional referral URL for CPV campaigns allowing the advertisers to include recommended URL in the campaign optimized for views. Reddit said- that this URL will allow advertisers to give a clear experience along with more video views.


Why should we care- After launching its newly developed site last year, Reddit saw a growth in its page views and time spent over its website and app along with user engagement. With this, Reddit also has one more platform on which it can grow more inclusive ad offering.


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