Bing announced on Twitter that it has upgraded its backlink research tool. The backlink research tool displays links from special top referring domains, links on the pages per page level along with anchor text. Also, it displays the same data for competitors.

Bing Backlink Research Tool has few screenshots of the Bing Backlink Tool support page. Here’s a screenshot of the old version of the backlink tool by the archive of the backlink tool support page.

Old Tool
Image Source: Search Engine Journal

Old Tool Features

As seen in the above picture old tool had only two backlink features:

  • All Links
  • Disavow

Updated Tool Features

New support page displays that the tool has now three features:

  • All Links
  • Similar Sites
  • Disavow Links

Bing Similar Sites Tool

The tool helps you to do effective backlink research. As it helps you gather insights on competitor backlinks and also useful for non-competitor backlink research. The tool calls it the “Similar Sites tool” you can type in any domain name irrespective to if it is similar to your site and research away. It means users can use it for backlink research to find backlinks of websites that are not of competitors.

Comprehensive Backlink Information

This tool displays domain level backlink information, with the number of links from every domain listed in a right-handed column. You can find a link to detailed information when you scroll down the list of backlinks.

Image Source: Search Engine Journal

Recommendation: Bing Expands Intelligent Answers And Can Now Answer Queries With Yes Or No

Backlink Filters

Users can compare your website with the competitor’s website and can make use of filters to show three specific kinds of backlinks.

Show All

This displays all linked domains to your site, to your competitor, and also shows that do not link to one or the other.

Display Only Common Domains

This displays domains that link to both your competitor and your website.

Display Domains Not Linked To My Site

This displays links from domains that your competitor has but you don’t.

Anchor Texts

A detailed report has an option to see anchor text used to link to your site and competitors. It is useful to see what anchor text your competitor has that you don’t.

Download Reports

All the detailed reports have an option to download in CSV format.

Announcement On Twitter

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