Facebook launched the first test run of its dedicated tab for news in the app back in October 2019 and now the company has announced the official launch of Facebook News in the UK.


Facebook Announces New Messenger Branding & Releases New Messaging Features

Facebook users will now be able to see the top headlines of the day along with curated news feed from approved sourced by Facebook via Facebook News tab, everything custom personalized to your interests. You can have control over the news you want to show by removing any sources or news you do not want to see again. Also, the Facebook News team will provide sharing content from authoritative news sources covering major news cycles. Like Facebook’s COVID-19 news collection, which displays as a top news highlight.

Facebook News UK
Image Source: Facebook

Statement By Facebook

The product puts original journalism in front of new audiences and provides publishers with more advertising and subscription opportunities to build sustainable businesses for the future. This is the beginning of a series of international investments in news.

According to a report, American adults who look up to social media for news is now at 55%. Nearly three-quarters of adults (71%) are active on Facebook, and about half (52%) get at least some news from there. Social Media is a massive platform for news consumption and there has been increasing growth in the list of Facebook News media partners.

Statement By Facebook

We’ve been partnering with news organisations for many years and our goal has always been to work out the best ways we can support the industry in building sustainable business models. This product is a result of those conversations. As we invest more in news and pay publishers for more content in more countries, we will work with them to support the long term viability of newsrooms.

If you want to become an approved news source on Facebook then you can start by registering your news page.

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