Mark Zuckerberg announced at the quarterly earnings about the milestone crossed by WhatsApp. The facebook-owned app “WhatsApp” has been delivering 100 billion messages per day. On the last New Year Eve, users exchanged  100 billion messages on WhatsApp. The day made WhatsApp climb on the peak of the engagement figures, even there were some bugs in the past years.


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It is said the only competition of WhatsApp is with itself. In early 2016, Facebook and WhatsApp together crossed the milestone of 60 billion messages per day. However, Tim Cook announced that the iMessage and FaceTime are creating records but there were no exact figures shared by the company. The Last time Apple made its figure visible was running far behind WhatsApp. WeChat also gathered 1 billion users but was nowhere near to WhatsApp.

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The record of early 2014 showed that 50 billion texts were exchanged per day, as revealed by Jan Koum. WhatsApp was having around 500 million users at that time, however, it has crossed 2 million now, with the most in India. It has crossed all the smartphone app including the big blue app.

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