After the launch of Watch on their platform, Facebook wants to bring something new to their videos. The video platform, Watch are announcing their deal to telecast 47 college basketball games followed by the revamping of their Mentions app into a new tool called ‘Facebook Creator’.
What are the features will be provided by the app?
- Publishers can add custom intros and outros to their live videos with the help of new tools
- Reaction Emoji could be added with any alternative graphic
- A unified inbox with Facebook comments
- Cross-posting from Messenger along with cross-posting from Instagram.
- Greater optimization with the new insights available within the app
How will this help video makers?
With the latest option, the video makers could create high-quality and more professional videos. Even the brands with the help of intros and outros can create more customer base and drive the traffic in building a community.
More features to look out for
Apart from the all this, Facebook is also introducing ‘Facebook for Creators’ website that will act as a centralized hub for ‘resources and tips’ in creating engaging videos that can connect with your customers.
This website basically contains tips, some short lessons and some list of successful creators. This new app is open to all users for their Pages and Profiles which unlike ‘Mentions’ was valid for verified public figures and Pages.