WhatsApp has come up with a small update in its app. WhatsApp has altered the way to look for images and videos in the messages thread. Now images will be shown more in-line without cropping them to fit.
Although it’s not a major update, it is worth noticing it. It makes it easier for the users to display images in the message threads. This small update can bring some more opportunities for business as well. Moreover, WhatsApp is always looking for new ways to help businesses in a better manner.
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Tweet By WhatsApp
Photos and videos in WhatsApp are now even bigger, so no one will be left out of the picture! That's the perfect reason to smile 😄 pic.twitter.com/2lzG5jLTKz
— WhatsApp (@WhatsApp) April 30, 2021
Again, this is a simple update but it will enhance the messaging quality as with this businesses can bring the best response through visual content. It is also possible that WhatsApp took this decision after seeing Twitter has done the same for their timeline videos and images.
The new feature is currently rolled all over the world. However, users need to update their app in order to use this feature.