We shouldn’t forget customer is god. His satisfaction is everything we should pay attention to. Often companies have customer-relationship manager who takes care of it. Nowadays responsive web design is something which can’t be overlooked as it can greatly affect your marketing goals.
What do by mean by responsive web design and how it can impact on user experience?
It is a term connected to the technique of building a website design in a way which assists the lay out to get flexible in relation with the customer’s computer screen resolution. In particular, the technique lets for an advance four column layout 12 hundred and 92 pixels wide, on a 1 thousand and 25 pixel width screen which automatically simplifies in two columns. Moreover, it correctly fixes on the tablets and smartphones screens. This meticulous designing concept is named as responsive web design.
However, there is a concealed shortcoming to it. This design applies on handheld devices (smartphones, tablets) usually pack content in a smaller screen that hits page loading speed and lowers user experience. A lot of researches have shown that page loading speed extremely impacts the user engagement on a particular site, if it takes more than 4 seconds to load customer starts thinking to steer to another site.
Uncultivated responsive web designs degrades the user experience on mobile by radically augmenting page load times and building content malfunctions that steer away clients. Inbound marketers get confused what to do as responsive web design could be said the magic bullet for standardizing the experience of the customer.
Luckily, there’re means to neglect some downsides of responsive web design:
Mobile should be kept in mind when designing and producing content
There would be severe problems arise with the layout of the page when companies fall short to curate their content grids for mobiles. An enhanced page layout would shortly turn out to be dysfunctional in case IT and marketing department aren’t toiling mutually to think mobile foremost. For instance, a CTA to enroll in a program that looks outstanding when viewed on a PC/Laptop may become obscured when scalded down on a mobile device. No-doubt this designing blunder can smash you hard by getting poor number of new enrollees. You need to think about making design & content for handheld devices foremost. In addition, it is quite effortless to scale up when it comes to designing.
Arrange content counting on the customer’s device
Speak to your website development team about applying app sequencing, a tech term which signifies to arrange content to bring elements of the page like navigation and details of the product foremost and high resolution media such as high definition photos and videos later. Browsers basically work on: In case your web pages possess HD photos placed over more fundamental content in load order, the outcome might be an uneven and not predictable rendering procedure. App sequencing is critically important when your user is on 2G network.
Test your mobile website on for size
It might seem elementary; however it is important to experience your website in the similar manner as your mobile clients make. Do an assessment on it. You can involve each member of your organization in this assessment. Try different mobiles to ensure your client satisfaction. How it can work in the lift? In the low Wi-Fi speed areas? In the metro train, in the car etc. each member of your organization should evaluate your website’s performance vitally.
Whilst each company, without any exception, wishes a top notch website, however to the matter of fact each company requires a website that works outstanding counting on a customer’s given profile. At last the thing that matters the most is the customer engagement and satisfaction.